Jewelry Store Security

Call us today to get your free no-obligation security inspection scheduled and take advantage of our free security system and free installation!

Protect your jewelry store from theft and other disasters with commercial security in the Dallas. Jewelry stores are at high risk of theft due to the nature of their product. Fine jewelry is expensive and valuable, so even if you have taken extra measures to guard against theft and other disasters, you need to protect your store with a highly-rated security system in the Dallas area. 360 Alarm is just that, a highly-rated security system based in Dallas. If you are lacking commercial security in Dallas for your jewelry store, it’s not too late to have the protection you need to be installed.

Extra measures of protection in the form of commercial security in Dallas for your jewelry store do more than protect your jewelry, it protects you and your employees. Keep yourself, your employees, and your fine jewelry safe from harm with a system designed specifically for your protection needs. Whether you are worried about fire or theft, getting commercial security in Dallas for your jewelry store can keep you safe and give you peace of mind.

Keep Your Jewelry Safe From Theft

Theft is one of the biggest concerns a jewelry store owner has. When you market and sell high-end jewelry and goods, there are always risks involved. You can protect yourself, your employees, and your jewelry better with highly-rated security. 

Intruder breaking and entering

There are many methods of minimizing theft threats such as acknowledging each person as they walk into the store and only showing one piece of jewelry at a time. Aside from these small anti-theft tactics, you need bigger and better measures specifically designed to keep you and your staff safe from harm and to keep your jewelry in your store until your customer walks out after purchase. 

5 Diamond Monitoring System and More Features

A commercial security system with a 5 Diamond monitoring system can significantly reduce the risk of theft. If you need commercial security in Dallas for your jewelry store, we have a highly-rated system that will protect you the best.

We can cater our services specifically to your jewelry store. If you have glass display cases that need extra protection, we can set up cameras to monitor each case or install glass-break detectors. We have a wide range of solutions like these that can set you up with the best possible commercial security in the Dallas area for your jewelry store. 

Monitoring System Screens

Smart Security Systems For Your Jewelry Store

We also specialize in smart security systems, which is a tool that any home or business can benefit from. There is a wide range of features in a smart security system that can give you more control and more safety. 

Controlling alarm system with a smart phone

For example, if you have employees that monitor and operate your store when you aren’t there, you probably have given them access to a lot of sensitive information and money. You can keep your profits and your jewelry safer when you have more control. With a smart security system, you can set up individual passcodes for arming and disarming the store, and you can track who opened or closed with their code and when.

With this ability to track more information, you can keep your jewelry and staff safer.

Keep Your Staff Safe

Working at a jewelry store can be somewhat high risk. There are a lot of valuable goods inside that corrupt people may be inclined to steal. People who try to steal from a jewelry store are thinking about only themselves, they have no regard for what happens to the business owner in terms of profit loss or for your staff’s safety. 

Keep your staff safe with local commercial security in Dallas for your jewelry store. You can monitor them with cameras or simply keep track of who is using their code to arm and disarm the system.

Gain Peace Of Mind With 360 Alarm

Gain peace of mind with 360 Alarm. Call for a consultation to see if our commercial security in the Dallas area is a good fit for your jewelry store. Reach our office at (972) 352-2659. We can give you peace of mind about the security of even your most high-dollar valuables. Keep your jewelry store safe with 360 Alarm. Contact us today for a free consultation.
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